We’ve created this set of additional links for websites and tools that may help you.

Empowered Beginnings - These are our favorite doulas and we love them.  Sign up on your own, or put it on your baby shower registry!  For those with busy schedules, they offer personalized, childbirth education, as well as postpartum doula services. Childbirth classes based on the belief that women are beautiful and are made to deliver the baby (or babies) they have been given. Birth is a natural, manageable, family centered event that progresses best with love, support, and knowledge. Ashley also offers workshops like infant CPR and car seat fittings!

CT Childbirth – Proud to offer a unique blend of expertise and patient-centered care for new families across Connecticut.

Yale-New Haven Hospital – we love our team, and our facility is designed to support our style of care -check it out here, but be sure to take a tour!

Our Moment of Truth – read empowering birth stories and add your own when you are ready.

Evidence-Based Birth – handouts, podcasts, books, and blogs about all the hot topics around having your baby!

Childbirth Connection – evidence-based guidance for avoiding cesarean section and being ready for your birth.

Spinning Babies – exercises and positioning for the mother that will encourage baby into the best position for easier and faster birth.

VBAC – those preparing for Vaginal Birth After Cesarean can benefit from some tailored preparation.

Mothers of Multiples – you know who you are!

March of Dimes – prematurity and birth defect prevention and information.

KellyMom – breastfeeding information and support.

Tupler Technique – heal your core strength after birth and protect your back.

Scarleteen – sex education for the real world.

Our Bodies, Ourselves  – develops and promotes evidence-based information on reproductive health and sexuality.

American Sexual Health Association – sexual health is the ability to embrace and enjoy our sexuality throughout our lives.

Bedsider – a matchmaker for your birth control method!

Anonymous STI Notification – don’t spread it!

Pelvic Health – support for working through bladder issues and pelvic pain.

Menopause  – evidence-based advice for the power surges and changes in this time of life

Hope After Loss – compassionate support after loss of a child at any age

Mother’s Milk Bank Northeast – Share the wealth!  Donate milk to help preemie babies thrive.

Ordering Your Breastpump – most commercial insurances use this program