To our beloved WHA community,

We are in the midst of an unprecedented public health emergency, and the landscape is changing daily, sometimes hourly.  We have the balancing act of making sure those of you with urgent health needs and pregnancies are getting the care that you need, and that we keep as much social distancing as possible for everyone.  We want you all to take care of yourselves, take care of your families, and stay well.

If you have a scheduled gyn appointment or you are pregnant, and you have fever, cough or other COVID symptoms, please call us first and we will direct you on the next steps to take.  Please DO NOT come to the office if you have these symptoms – Yale New Haven Health system has a clear plan in place for you, and we will connect you with that protocol. If you have recently traveled, please review the timeline with our staff so that we may plan your visit accordingly.

We have implemented a virtual check-in procedure.  We would like for you to call us when you arrive in our parking lot.  We will do all intake by phone, and then we will call you to come inside when we are ready to put you right in to an exam room.  This will allow extra time for cleaning, as well as limiting waiting room contact with other patients.  

The Centers for Disease Control is the best resource for guiding decisions and preparing your home.  Please follow all guidelines regarding social distancing, canceling gatherings, and cleaning protocols.  DO YOUR PART and STAY APART!  Remember, if prevention works, it will *look like we all overreacted, but that is the key.

In summary:

  • All visit types are being scheduled for existing patients, and new patients may book in for pregnancy care

  • Please do not come to our office with a fever or COVID symptoms – call us and we will direct you to appropriate care

  • Check in for your appointment by calling from your car from the parking lot